Devastating Burns from the Roasts of Justin Bieber, Bruce Willis & More


Комментарии • 8 тыс.

  • @bbz232
    @bbz232 3 года назад +4706

    “You seem like a nice person, but when I talk to you I don’t have fun.” Is a great underrated insult.

  • @bosedohne5209
    @bosedohne5209 3 года назад +13567

    Jeff Ross admitted in an interview that when they heard that Anne Coulter would come to the roast, they all stopped writing Rob Low jokes and started writing Anne Coulter jokes.

    • @codybolo7803
      @codybolo7803 3 года назад +395

      He said thats what he did not what everybody did and that interview was on kimmel so its not like its a forgotten interview nobody knows about

    • @bswogger4656
      @bswogger4656 3 года назад +302

      Thanks for that information as it look like roast of Anne Coulter!

    • @wes4522
      @wes4522 3 года назад +69

      @@codybolo7803 Jimmy kimmel is forgotten...

    • @samanthahughes7783
      @samanthahughes7783 3 года назад +282

      I think rob knew if he invited her, he wouldn’t be ridden that hard, lol

    • @That80sGuy1972
      @That80sGuy1972 3 года назад +77

      So... they went for the low-hanging fruit to slam someone so horrible it was easy to do. That's... that's really lazy.

  • @AndrewKellyLuthier
    @AndrewKellyLuthier 3 года назад +34087

    They weren't even roasting Ann Coulter, they were just aggressively trying to get her to leave.

    • @bacin87
      @bacin87 3 года назад +2473

      She was only there to try to get more numbers for her book sale so they were hostile naturally to her

    • @SomeNepaleseDude
      @SomeNepaleseDude 3 года назад +2772

      Felt the same way. There was not any clever jokes towards her. Just straight up insults lol

    • @boogie5834
      @boogie5834 3 года назад +989

      @@SomeNepaleseDude half of them are true tho 😂

    • @SomeNepaleseDude
      @SomeNepaleseDude 3 года назад +450

      @@boogie5834 Ah ok. I mean I had no idea who she was!!!

    • @naomigary7930
      @naomigary7930 3 года назад +417

      im sad it didnt work

  • @forrestthroughdatrees
    @forrestthroughdatrees 2 года назад +590

    “But Ann Coulter, if you’re here who’s scaring the crows away from our crops?!” So funny 😂

    • @joshuaali-gc8vq
      @joshuaali-gc8vq Год назад +2

      That’s funny asf😂

    • @williamle-ed2nk
      @williamle-ed2nk 9 месяцев назад

      pete davidson doesn't like crows around his cotton fields 🤣

  • @xaviermason7014
    @xaviermason7014 3 года назад +11925

    Snoop is the only man I know that smokes anywhere and no one has anything to say.

    • @telikaandfam
      @telikaandfam 3 года назад +308

      and dave chappelle

    • @ModernDayRenaissanceMan
      @ModernDayRenaissanceMan 3 года назад +110

      George Burns was like that/would have been like that. His cigar was part of his act & was iconic for him

    • @austindomingue9235
      @austindomingue9235 3 года назад +343

      he smoked at the white house😂😂

    • @barklordofthesith2997
      @barklordofthesith2997 3 года назад +92

      Laughs in Willie Nelson.

    • @Jackie_360
      @Jackie_360 3 года назад +14

      @@ModernDayRenaissanceMan and didn't die from smoking/cancer

  • @7elEvan1
    @7elEvan1 3 года назад +9350

    Andy Samberg calling Jeff a melting hippo after exclusively going self depreciation is my personal favorite roast joke ever

    • @danny3626
      @danny3626 3 года назад +259

      It really threw me off! Literally busted out laughing

    • @user-ib1is7ny7r
      @user-ib1is7ny7r 3 года назад +96

      i love andy for this

    • @docAwfulMD
      @docAwfulMD 3 года назад +89

      same. andy crushed that roast

    • @liamhenrique7999
      @liamhenrique7999 3 года назад +21

      @@docAwfulMD That was the best.....

    • @jbd2226
      @jbd2226 3 года назад +32

      Andy Sandberg killed it

  • @jacobturk7543
    @jacobturk7543 3 года назад +1408

    “Tyler Perry’s Of Mice and Men” is the most underrated joke. Makes me chuckle every time.

    • @OGL19
      @OGL19 3 года назад +7

      I didn’t get it, could you please explain it?

    • @kemauriwillis4882
      @kemauriwillis4882 3 года назад +30

      @@OGL19 of mice and men is a story about a mental challenge huger guy and a small man.

      @YEET_MEISTER__ 3 года назад +17

      "Tell me 'bout the rabbits Snoop"

    • @SandyYoung1
      @SandyYoung1 3 года назад

      Wow your sooo deep,you must be like,Steven Hawkins intelligent because you’ve heard of that book.

    • @jacobturk7543
      @jacobturk7543 3 года назад +9

      @@SandyYoung1 I think you mean Stephen Hawking

  • @JRMagro
    @JRMagro 2 года назад +1422

    Andy Sandberg easily had the most memorable roast out of the entire hour of clips. It was low-key genius to reverse expectations by being nice 😆
    And ending it with calling Jeff Ross a "melting hippo " seemingly out of nowhere is the best thing ever 😂😂

    • @OneVoiceMore
      @OneVoiceMore 2 года назад +10

      'Low-key genius' is like saying 'average'.

    • @OneVoiceMore
      @OneVoiceMore 2 года назад +2

      @@MARIELLEISCOOL No it isn't. That's you, force-feeding a word which distorts an original quote.
      I don't look for words, they come to me, and even more easily when they're provided in the video, for quotes.

    • @Naomi-qt8on
      @Naomi-qt8on 2 года назад +25

      His roast was trash

    • @fatandhandsome
      @fatandhandsome 2 года назад +11

      It was basically the new, bad version of what Norm Macdonald did at Bob Sagets roast. it's still funny, but definitely not as great

    • @randylahey345
      @randylahey345 2 года назад +5

      @@fatandhandsome I disagree. Norm is my favorite comedian of all time, for reference. I think that Sandberg took inspiration from Norm and then spun it in a different way, maybe even expecting people like you and I to get the bit and then turn it upside-down. I don't necessary think Sandberg's was better, but it was funny nonetheless.

  • @rileyxsko
    @rileyxsko 3 года назад +4850

    "The only person you will ever make happy is the Mexican that digs your grave" is straight up assault. Holllyyyy sh*** that joke is brutal.

    • @brodydapro1328
      @brodydapro1328 3 года назад +28

      Fr jesus 🤣

    • @YEC999
      @YEC999 3 года назад +45

      It's not funny. It's just dumb hatred.

    • @samuelgomez9799
      @samuelgomez9799 3 года назад +305

      @@YEC999 what do you mean that was hilarious 😂

    • @Serote_Kaiba
      @Serote_Kaiba 3 года назад +100

      @@YEC999 oh shut it. Acting soft

    • @kianay3875
      @kianay3875 3 года назад +74

      That's what a live ABORTION looks like!!! PRETTY FREAKING HARSH! How did she not think it was gonna be like that??

  • @Testiehair
    @Testiehair 3 года назад +9395

    Ann coulter’s face when Pete was doing his bit was the funniest thing ever

    • @russellm2555
      @russellm2555 3 года назад +75

      @@samdallas2487 maybe you're just naive. Like believing border security is somehow racist when a loose border is what enabled cartels to build empires that destabilized Central America. Yeah, keep that going

    • @sammyn9345
      @sammyn9345 3 года назад +55

      @@samdallas2487 Ummm I personally dont like her, but you're way off bud...

    • @MsKatrinaSL
      @MsKatrinaSL 3 года назад +30

      @@samdallas2487 you couldn’t shine her shoes 👠

    • @jaxoxoxox
      @jaxoxoxox 3 года назад +138

      Ann coulter's face w̶h̶e̶n̶ ̶P̶e̶t̶e̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶d̶o̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶b̶i̶t̶ was the funniest thing ever*

    • @macfitzpat
      @macfitzpat 3 года назад +71

      I don’t even know who she is but she’s scary fo sho

  • @Lord_Cabby
    @Lord_Cabby 3 года назад +4103

    I’ve haven’t seen a person in a room hated by everybody that much as Ann Coulter since the OJ Simpson trial.

    • @principeperfecto6319
      @principeperfecto6319 3 года назад +131

      At least OJ had lawyers...

    • @sarahmonique5321
      @sarahmonique5321 3 года назад +10

      Underrated comment

    • @oranha
      @oranha 3 года назад +42

      Can someone please explain to me who Ann Coulter is and why she’s so hated apparently. I’m not American

    • @sarahmonique5321
      @sarahmonique5321 3 года назад +108

      @@oranha She's an author, lawyer and rabid Trump supporter who's mainly famous because she's a hateful Republican. I mainly know about her through Twitter. Learned of her existence back in 2016 and wish I hadn't.

    • @jessiehall1828
      @jessiehall1828 3 года назад +51

      @@oranha she made fun of 9/11 victims

  • @quandofromthesixx9241
    @quandofromthesixx9241 2 года назад +317

    You know you’re funny when you make snoop miss a inhale 😂😂 he almost choked at 7:15

    • @joshuaroberts2763
      @joshuaroberts2763 2 года назад +3

      I thought I was the only one who noticed that 🤣

    @SPARKLEPANDA4LIFE 3 года назад +7322

    It's how Pete Davidson says "Ann Coulter if you're here who's scaring the crows away from our crops" it kills me every single time. 😂

    • @nikola7802
      @nikola7802 3 года назад +83

      My favorite line after coke 😂😂

    • @jiquenohnson
      @jiquenohnson 3 года назад +55

      then it cuts to her face right after😂😂

    • @ramiroramos5736
      @ramiroramos5736 3 года назад +2


    • @tiarast628
      @tiarast628 3 года назад +30

      🤣🤣🤣 every.... fkn... time!! I cry everytime... he is so funny and she was so offended BUT SHE STARTED IT...

    • @cayleemac5581
      @cayleemac5581 3 года назад +18

      the sheet reference was amazing 😭

  • @dagakage
    @dagakage 3 года назад +6569

    I'm convinced Ann Coulter wasn't even there, they just set up a wax replica of her smiling soullessly

    • @maeve615
      @maeve615 3 года назад +287

      A wax replica would look more alive...

    • @dionshelby5494
      @dionshelby5494 3 года назад +98

      You just described ann coulter

    • @arielperetz7210
      @arielperetz7210 3 года назад +131

      That was not a smile She was wishing she had not been there at all...

    • @eaname4565
      @eaname4565 3 года назад +5

      I’m 1k like I feel powerful

    • @jamesmckay4573
      @jamesmckay4573 3 года назад +31

      i felt sorry for her and thought of how low class all of these "stars" actually are.

  • @ΜαρίαΠ-ζ7δ
    @ΜαρίαΠ-ζ7δ 3 года назад +4181

    "You melting hippo" is honestly the best roast on Jeff Ross I've ever heard lol

    • @Assumed1sphere
      @Assumed1sphere 3 года назад +57

      I thought it was when Shaq he "had the body of a cafeteria lady."

    • @TheFluffyBeast36
      @TheFluffyBeast36 3 года назад +14

      Crazy as soon as he said that i came down to the comments and saw this as the 1st comment

    • @anydaynow
      @anydaynow 3 года назад

      @@TheFluffyBeast36 Same.

    • @tomgoldblumbadil
      @tomgoldblumbadil 3 года назад +30

      I still laugh harder at Sambergs section more than anyone else's. His delivery just kills me.

    • @mikeyg8568
      @mikeyg8568 3 года назад +11

      Andy's set was awesome

  • @kimseanoooff4952
    @kimseanoooff4952 2 года назад +952

    Ann colter was definitely told to just sit and smile

    • @TheCalebMoline
      @TheCalebMoline 2 года назад +65

      In Interviews, the writers and other comedians talked about how she refused to use any of their jokes and take any of their advice. Even the best comedians use their writers’ material and workshop their jokes with them before performing. She wouldn’t listen to their (professional) advice or direction. She was arrogant and deserved to bomb.
      She sat there the way she did because she thought she’d “show them” what “real” conservative comics could do, but she ended up getting shredded because she’s not really that witty. Sure, she’s very witty when it comes to extreme Christo-fascist circles, but that bar is set particularly low. 😅

    • @kingayy9267
      @kingayy9267 2 года назад +12

      There are no successful conservative comics, are there?
      They're not intelligent enough as a whole to understand and implement wit.

    • @mickeydooley2230
      @mickeydooley2230 2 года назад

      @@kingayy9267 look at you trying to sound smart but have you ever heard your President Joe, your Vice President or Speaker of the House ever speak ever. Did they ignore(professional) advice or more likely not smart enough to implement wit or anything that resembles proper speech

    • @ela2008
      @ela2008 2 года назад +2

      and she couldn't even do that

    • @jesusgil9971
      @jesusgil9971 2 года назад +2

      @@TheCalebMoline One morality to rule them all.... You either adhere or should and will be cancelled. Does that sounds familiar to you?

  • @The_Mad_Lad
    @The_Mad_Lad 3 года назад +1211

    “You seem like a nice person but when I talk to you…I don’t have fun”. I need that on a tshirt😂

    • @jeanpaulsierra621
      @jeanpaulsierra621 3 года назад +3

      You and me both

    • @heatherkoolaid
      @heatherkoolaid 3 года назад

      Was so mean. Pete is sensitive. I imagine he took that to heart. I felt bad. I think he's amazing. Hopefully they talked about that before or after

    • @The_Mad_Lad
      @The_Mad_Lad 3 года назад +65

      @@heatherkoolaid lady it’s a roast. And Pete has shown to be a self deprecating comic. He loves it. He’s laughed at all of them except Ann Coulter. Don’t project issues onto him lol

    • @heatherkoolaid
      @heatherkoolaid 3 года назад +1

      @@The_Mad_Lad I know!

    • @avalonspawn
      @avalonspawn 3 года назад +1

      @@heatherkoolaid lol... "Oh no, someone is being mean in a setting that is designed to be mean for humor! How could he!" /slaps forehead. And then... CtheBeast Art points that out, and your response is, "I know!"? Really? If you KNOW that is the case, then why in the world did you make that initial completely ignorant comment? Seriously... are you posting just to post? lol

  • @hayleyr767
    @hayleyr767 3 года назад +6540

    “Soul plane was the worst experience of my life involving a plane” I’m dying😂😂

    • @Arlo5.13
      @Arlo5.13 3 года назад +120

      Just like pete Davidson’s dad 😔

    • @Joshua-ev9uw
      @Joshua-ev9uw 3 года назад +93

      That was absolutely brutal. They hold nothing back on these roasts

    • @geewhiz23
      @geewhiz23 3 года назад +4

      Sól plain

    • @JeromeProductions
      @JeromeProductions 3 года назад +3


    • @joserivera1301
      @joserivera1301 3 года назад +7

      @@Arlo5.13 I actually saw that comment coming and I’m not disappointed.

  • @bravetitangrizzly
    @bravetitangrizzly 3 года назад +6559

    “All these rappers on stage and Martha Stewart has done the most jail time”

  • @desireboudoirphotography
    @desireboudoirphotography 2 года назад +38

    "Or is this Tyler Perry's: Of Mice and Men." Hannibal you're the greatest

  • @michaelfouladi4961
    @michaelfouladi4961 3 года назад +4889

    The fact that Andy Samberg decides to be nice to everyone else and then actually roast Jeff Ross is the funniest thing to me😂

    • @imnotdavidxnsx
      @imnotdavidxnsx 3 года назад +1

      Whatever, you melting hippo.

    • @No1_Inpa_Ticular
      @No1_Inpa_Ticular 3 года назад +64

      Best roasting bit ever! 🤣

    • @seanfrance3182
      @seanfrance3182 2 года назад +32

      Classic Sandberg

    • @ingGS
      @ingGS 2 года назад +26

      @@No1_Inpa_Ticular we probably watched different videos…

    • @supersucks
      @supersucks 2 года назад +19

      melting hippo !

  • @shantanu9404
    @shantanu9404 3 года назад +2980

    Andy Samberg just (anti) roasted everyone just to end with him calling Jeff Ross a "melting hippo" xD

  • @cmen6895
    @cmen6895 3 года назад +3694

    “You seem like a nice person, but when I talk to you I dont have fun”

    • @thinkofpinecones1345
      @thinkofpinecones1345 3 года назад +33

      Lafffffd the most at that joke for sure lol

    • @mattmlo12
      @mattmlo12 3 года назад +29

      Hannibal is the man

    • @shalenga
      @shalenga 3 года назад +12

      Lol wasn't a joke

    • @MrCt40
      @MrCt40 3 года назад +3

      Best roast ..

  • @WaldoBagelTopper
    @WaldoBagelTopper 2 года назад +107

    "Alec loves to hit the stage because it can't press charges" 😂😂😂

  • @marakettner122
    @marakettner122 3 года назад +5513

    I don’t care if she has comedy writers for her parts or not, Martha Stewart kills it at every one of these she does

    • @LittleMissSunshineHA
      @LittleMissSunshineHA 3 года назад +153

      i think they hired her bc they know shes funny. i love old funny people

    • @POCOSU
      @POCOSU 3 года назад +65

      She was funny asf

    • @lukeparker5191
      @lukeparker5191 3 года назад +46

      Most of them have writers. Blake Griffin and Ann Coulter are the 2 that I know who didn't. 50/50 success then 😂

    • @Rextraordinaire
      @Rextraordinaire 3 года назад +9

      @@lukeparker5191 ah so that explains why Ann Coulter bombed so hard

    • @shalakabooyaka1480
      @shalakabooyaka1480 3 года назад +12

      @@lukeparker5191 yea, Blake does standup sometimes though, so i can see him not wanting one

  • @Snak3Bit3
    @Snak3Bit3 3 года назад +12581

    The “that my worst experience involving a plane” joke by Pete went over so many ppls heads

    • @mcmainsmedia231
      @mcmainsmedia231 3 года назад +1297

      So did the planes

    • @sssj806
      @sssj806 3 года назад +124

      How on earth would that joke go over peoples heads though? 🤦‍♂️

    • @iamjimmyfm2700
      @iamjimmyfm2700 3 года назад +14

      I caught it

    • @lordfuhquaad145
      @lordfuhquaad145 3 года назад +46

      @@mcmainsmedia231 unfortunately, no the planes did not.

    • @a.nobodys.nobody
      @a.nobodys.nobody 3 года назад +12

      No it wasn't.
      But if you were making a joke about being planes over head, touche

  • @lennysummers6672
    @lennysummers6672 3 года назад +6175

    Martha Stewart's entire prison bit is a piece of self-aware gold

  • @snyder12367
    @snyder12367 2 года назад +21

    Kevin Pollack's impersonation of Christopher Walken had me cracking up! Probably one of the best I heard. Also got to give a shout out To Ron Burgundy and The President of Hollywood as well. They were great too. haven't watched Comedy Central Roasts in a while and I totally enjoyed all of it. Thx for posting OP

  • @Doc-Blitzkrieg
    @Doc-Blitzkrieg 3 года назад +2839

    I love how most of the hardest hitting shots in The Roast Of Rob Lowe weren’t even directed at the Rob, they were the shots directed at Coulter.

    • @joyhope9486
      @joyhope9486 3 года назад +172

      Im convinced that the entire thing was a set-up. Rob was the bait, Coulter was the real target. At one point it looks as if she realizes this as well.

    • @Mashburn007
      @Mashburn007 3 года назад +54

      Man as much as enjoy this show , stuff about Coulter really got to her and it shows really well , i was feeling bad about it.

    • @KiLLJOY1056
      @KiLLJOY1056 3 года назад +4

      @@joyhope9486 for real though lol that was crazy

    • @Doc-Blitzkrieg
      @Doc-Blitzkrieg 3 года назад +1

      @@jeffb9991 They aren’t exactly there to give each other compliments if that’s what you’re showing her pity for.
      Everyone threw punches at everyone else, but they all decided to take the gloves of for her because on HER history being so hateful towards other people.
      They wanted to show that when you’re a vile and disgusting woman like Anne Coulter is maybe you shouldn’t be surprised when people make it obvious that they genuinely don’t like you.

    • @nunya6346
      @nunya6346 2 года назад

      @@Mashburn007 F her

  • @ted1794
    @ted1794 3 года назад +2423

    I love Andy sambergs roasts because his whole thing is being nice and he kept it up in a roast, and still managed to keep it funny

    • @miche.5146
      @miche.5146 3 года назад +27

      if you actually listened to him. he was copying bits from old roasts.

    • @rachel_Cochran
      @rachel_Cochran 3 года назад +45

      Except for melting hippopotamus lololol

    • @fungifago
      @fungifago 3 года назад +45

      He followed the ways of Norm McDonald, check him "roasting" Bob Saget, legend.

    • @mikekillagreen9432
      @mikekillagreen9432 3 года назад +8

      @@fungifago RIP Norm McDonald

    • @fungifago
      @fungifago 3 года назад +3

      @@mikekillagreen9432 RIP, funniest man ever

  • @PR3M0P
    @PR3M0P 3 года назад +1567

    Bro Justin was so happy, honored, and surprised when Martha said “call me.”

    • @littlemaidofthemoon9978
      @littlemaidofthemoon9978 3 года назад +69

      Im not a fan of him but he really took everything very well! And his ending speech- sympathic!!!

    • @gozinta82
      @gozinta82 3 года назад +39

      @@littlemaidofthemoon9978 I can agree. Although I had some hate for him before, once I saw the full roast of him and how he responded at the end...I have a considerable amount of respect for him after that. He manned up.

    • @purswanitarun
      @purswanitarun 3 года назад

      When or Until 😂

    • @punpun5888
      @punpun5888 3 года назад

      @@gozinta82 same!

    • @xaviersanchez6224
      @xaviersanchez6224 3 года назад

      One more like for 1,000 !!!!

  • @bkzesty3323
    @bkzesty3323 2 года назад +99

    "last year we had Martha Stewart who sells sheets and now we have Ann Coulter who cuts eye holes in them"😂

  • @that.guy11
    @that.guy11 3 года назад +8795

    “Goes up on his wife” is the best short joke I’ve EVER heard

    • @j.megatron
      @j.megatron 3 года назад +72

      I have to do it it's kinda embarrassing

    • @miketheq7739
      @miketheq7739 3 года назад +30

      @@j.megatron being short is embarassing? Lol whatever

    • @j.megatron
      @j.megatron 3 года назад +26

      @@miketheq7739 no. I mean comparatively speaking. I stand out but it's harder for a short man to get a tall woman than vice versa

    • @CannibalOX99
      @CannibalOX99 3 года назад +16

      Being a short dude. I've heard this joke numerous times. I still laugh

    • @Chicken-uc5xh
      @Chicken-uc5xh 3 года назад +6

      I’m so mad that I’m short cuz I would’ve love to say that

  • @bosedohne5209
    @bosedohne5209 3 года назад +1761

    "The only person you will ever make happy, is the Mexican who digs your grave"
    One of the harshest and best burns ever!

    • @philipclock
      @philipclock 3 года назад +7

      That's a joke??

    • @cmen6895
      @cmen6895 3 года назад +35

      @@philipclock Yes.

    • @oyasaar
      @oyasaar 3 года назад +21

      Isn't it racist to say that mexican is digging the grave? Or it depends who is saying it?

    • @cartershutler44
      @cartershutler44 3 года назад +46

      The funny part is that she didn’t even respond because she knew it was true.

    • @21punchy
      @21punchy 3 года назад +7

      @@philipclock that was facts

  • @thomaskiggins6850
    @thomaskiggins6850 3 года назад +5450

    Ann Coulter's face during the entire roast made every clip 1000x better

    • @mattduell3
      @mattduell3 3 года назад +234

      It made me sooo uncomfortable but sooo happy at the same time 😂

    • @thechosenonedab5002
      @thechosenonedab5002 3 года назад +176

      Just the diminishing smile and hatred behind her eyes

    • @cartershutler44
      @cartershutler44 3 года назад +84

      My friend and myself were watching this and literally said at the same time. They turned up the heat for only Ann coulter 😂😂😂😂

    • @msawyer110
      @msawyer110 3 года назад +72

      It's funny to see people hate someone just simply because they were told to. What has Ann ever done to anyone? Tried to stop innocent babies from being murdered? Crazy to see so many people hate her just for trying to save babies. Yall are sick af. Why do you hate her again? You were told to by the Woke establishment.

    • @jordaneggerman4734
      @jordaneggerman4734 3 года назад +92

      @@msawyer110 no, I'm pretty sure we hate her for the insane BS that tumbles from her mouth, every time it opens. All you have to do is have half a brain, half a conscience, and listen to her say what she thinks.

  • @chettywap1620
    @chettywap1620 2 года назад +67

    Martha was also the biggest gangster on that stage she could’ve snitched and gotten out of jail time but she kept her mouth shut 10 toes down🤣🤣

  • @mxpabloxx2299
    @mxpabloxx2299 3 года назад +3102

    The fact that Ann Coulter’s stayed thru out the whole Roast was impressive

    • @gmansgnarlyscienceshow2820
      @gmansgnarlyscienceshow2820 3 года назад +267

      You could tell the “roasts” about her were personal.

    • @kidamnesiak1
      @kidamnesiak1 3 года назад +236

      @@gmansgnarlyscienceshow2820 Yeah, she's an evil propagandist b****. I do respect that she stayed and took it though. I almost felt bad for her and then I remembered who she is and her career.

    • @jenniferofenleger3972
      @jenniferofenleger3972 3 года назад +76

      When she moved she frightened me.

    • @soorajdooba5652
      @soorajdooba5652 3 года назад +67

      @@kidamnesiak1 yeah i thought she gonna plan the next holocaust on that stage

    • @Subangelis
      @Subangelis 3 года назад +20

      Only way she'll get paid.

  • @calcetufla5958
    @calcetufla5958 3 года назад +5307

    Pete Davidson is simply great, never actually seen a guy who could roast other person and at the same time making fun of his “low points” in life.

    • @lorenatayo8788
      @lorenatayo8788 3 года назад +1


    • @mma1st105
      @mma1st105 3 года назад +24

      He's terrible

    • @arrogantbunion8502
      @arrogantbunion8502 3 года назад +21

      You must be new to roasts

    • @britvica
      @britvica 3 года назад +12

      I didn't like that with his father. That's just wrong.

    • @Juan_rivera
      @Juan_rivera 3 года назад +14

      Plenty of comedians have done this and better, but as Greg Geraldo puts it...I never saw him be funny on T.V. before

  • @Uncircuited
    @Uncircuited 3 года назад +764

    “Is this a roast or is this Tyler Perry’s Of Mice and Men?”
    super underrated line right there

    • @unban
      @unban 3 года назад +8

      I had to pause the video cause I was laughing so hard I couldn't hear anything after for a solid 30 seconds.

    • @firstlast7994
      @firstlast7994 3 года назад +1

      can someone explain it?

    • @unban
      @unban 3 года назад +22

      @@firstlast7994 of mice and men is a pretty sad story revolving around a very large and mentally disabled man and a much shorter man. It's a classic book.

    • @firstlast7994
      @firstlast7994 3 года назад +1

      @@unban yea i read the book I just didn't get the joke. I didn't hear the shaq and hart part lol

    • @unban
      @unban 3 года назад +1

      @@firstlast7994 ah, yeah without knowing who they were referring to it totally wouldn't make sense lol

  • @V3x0r
    @V3x0r 2 года назад +161

    Martha is surprisingly pretty funny both in getting roasted and roasting people.

  • @FishermanSculley
    @FishermanSculley 3 года назад +9958

    I will never stop appreciating just how uncomfortable Ann Coulter looked throughout the entire roast of Rob Lowe.

    • @tonykuz
      @tonykuz 3 года назад +56

      What’d she even do?

    • @WorldsOnlyBlackStan
      @WorldsOnlyBlackStan 3 года назад +470

      @@tonykuz she's everything wrong with America pushed through a spaghetti press.. Thats all you need to know

    • @MarkovChains223
      @MarkovChains223 3 года назад +569

      @@tonykuz She's *blatantly* and aggressively racist.
      Like, it's not even a little bit subtle.

    • @cryism7798
      @cryism7798 3 года назад +215

      @@tonykuz she is fox news personified

    • @knottchu6159
      @knottchu6159 3 года назад +141

      As long as we treat all people the same on both sides of the political aisle, I'm okay with what happened to Ann here. That being said, if Louis Farrakhan or Al Sharpton were up there and no one on the left wing eviscerates them personally for their past racist comments, I have a HUGE PROBLEM with that hypocrisy (as should everyone).

  • @Linaskye143
    @Linaskye143 3 года назад +2864

    “This is not the roast of Pete’s father. That was in 2001”. AND PETE SAYS: “Oh, that was dope”!!! You gotta give Pete props for taking a joke like that.

    • @nerdspouse
      @nerdspouse 3 года назад +177

      @@jeffb9991 It's actually quite funny. People who go through horrors often have a DARK sense of humor. Or alcoholism. Sometimes both.
      We all laughed. Hard.

    • @trivpyvibes
      @trivpyvibes 3 года назад +77

      @@jeffb9991 Pete has already come to terms with his father passing and builds a lot of his own jokes with it. Now I would agree if Pete doesn't make those jokes then it would be rude but it isn't.

    • @trivpyvibes
      @trivpyvibes 3 года назад

      @@jeffb9991 then elbrate please

    • @trivpyvibes
      @trivpyvibes 3 года назад +6

      @@jeffb9991 lol alrighty then have a great day !

    • @trivpyvibes
      @trivpyvibes 3 года назад

      @@jeffb9991 I'm happy for ya ❣️

  • @jessicabremer9735
    @jessicabremer9735 3 года назад +3027

    Rob Lowes roast was more like the Roast of Ann Coulter

    • @jessicabremer9735
      @jessicabremer9735 3 года назад +5

      Stop the Roasts, it's embarassing.

    • @Jambam96
      @Jambam96 3 года назад +20

      As it should be!

    • @alexisgoes8622
      @alexisgoes8622 3 года назад +33

      @frank Rizzo -ann's brother

    • @pseudonayme7717
      @pseudonayme7717 3 года назад +37

      "The only person you will ever make happy, is the Mexican who digs your grave"😄Dead💀

    • @undignified2843
      @undignified2843 3 года назад +41

      There really wasn't single Ann joke that was actually funny. Just pure meanness. It was uncomfortable.

  • @DaleStrife
    @DaleStrife 2 года назад +180

    I wasn't sure what Andy Sandberg was doing at first, but he had me laughing more than anyone. He's my kind of crazy.

    • @nobodyknows7134
      @nobodyknows7134 Год назад

      no, Samberg is a pretentious hack who thought he could do a norm impression and no one would notice.

  • @FisherMan_Al
    @FisherMan_Al 3 года назад +4925

    “As a feminist I can’t support everything that’s being said up here tonight, but uhh as someone who hates Ann Coulter I delighted” 🤣🤣🤣

  • @cerberus4397
    @cerberus4397 3 года назад +5247

    Love how pete Davidson handled the jokes about his dad dying on 9/11 better than Ann Coulter being told some mean things. Shows how sensitive she is lol.

    • @cerberus4397
      @cerberus4397 3 года назад +17

      @@dyinhope6840 I said that then didn't I? Did you read my comment correctly?

    • @minibixxx
      @minibixxx 3 года назад +213

      Not a fan of Ann Coulter but she was brave enough to show up and play along so props to her for that

    • @cobramystic_gaming1505
      @cobramystic_gaming1505 3 года назад +69

      The best part is after it she says they edited out parts of people laughing at her jokes 😂

    • @Vonnie6000
      @Vonnie6000 3 года назад +62

      I think the jokes about his dad were tasteless and insensitive. I would never joke about the loss of a loved one.

    • @cobramystic_gaming1505
      @cobramystic_gaming1505 3 года назад +129

      @@Vonnie6000 he openly jokes about it himself

  • @noelle8126
    @noelle8126 3 года назад +1464

    Shaq's comedic timing is highly underrated. Somebody give him an actual decent role.

    • @mexicanbandit5845
      @mexicanbandit5845 3 года назад +2

      Shazam was a classic

    • @red5158077
      @red5158077 3 года назад +2


    • @mexicanbandit5845
      @mexicanbandit5845 3 года назад

      @@red5158077 I looked it up I can't believe I got it wrong I remember watching this movie with my dad when I was a kid Ig we're just remembering wrong because I asked him about it the other day

    • @mexicanbandit5845
      @mexicanbandit5845 3 года назад +1

      @@red5158077 and you know what I'm taking my comment back Shazaam is a better name I can't say a movie named Kazaam was classic

    • @red5158077
      @red5158077 3 года назад

      @@mexicanbandit5845 Shazam was a great movie I saw it with my dad.

  • @dirtdiver9668
    @dirtdiver9668 2 года назад +23

    "You seem like a nice person but when I talk to you I don't have fun." 😂🤣😂

  • @baibai247
    @baibai247 3 года назад +420

    Imagine being Ann Coulter and sitting on that stage realizing the jokes about you are the only ones that aren't jokes.

    • @baibai247
      @baibai247 3 года назад +11

      It makes me laugh so hard.

    • @carolynr1009
      @carolynr1009 3 года назад +16

      It's great! Why the f*** did she even agree to do this. I'm almost sure if she fired her booker immediately after 😂. Roasted! 😂😂😂

    • @liyue6278
      @liyue6278 3 года назад

      but fun facts.

  • @alyssalopez4053
    @alyssalopez4053 3 года назад +646

    "Snoop looks like a cool a** salamander" will always be one of my favorites lol

    • @eugeniurosu1808
      @eugeniurosu1808 3 года назад +6

      I also saw that so funny. I imagined him walking around with a salamader head...and it looks legit)

    • @bluntforcetrauma2141
      @bluntforcetrauma2141 3 года назад +7

      Shaq's skeleton did it for me

    • @imnotdavidxnsx
      @imnotdavidxnsx 3 года назад

      @@eugeniurosu1808 no need to imagine...which is the point of the joke.

  • @ksoltau45
    @ksoltau45 3 года назад +2642

    I still think Natasha Leggero's punchline was the best in the Bieber roast. "He goes up on his wife" killer line.

    • @Uncle_Buchi
      @Uncle_Buchi 3 года назад +30

      ohhhh lawd!! I'm just realising it's a short joke!!! heheheheheheheheheheheh!!!!!!

    • @nasholston5112
      @nasholston5112 3 года назад +6

      Yea that joke killed but the rest of her jokes were mid

    • @__meilleur
      @__meilleur 3 года назад +11

      “Playing peters shadow”

    • @Emilio-mt3xk
      @Emilio-mt3xk 3 года назад +33

      Nah she killed it she said snoop look like shaq skeleton im done

    • @specialk4125
      @specialk4125 3 года назад +7

      @@nasholston5112nah her’s was better than alot of the others

  • @smartsailinsinbad8707
    @smartsailinsinbad8707 2 года назад +11

    There is a beauty to these roasts in this day and age where division and being offended is a life style. We can't forget how comedy and ripping eahither to shreds brings us together

  • @umetnica82
    @umetnica82 3 года назад +3312

    Ann Coulter’s face after her roasts seem to be always like - “I don’t get it”

    • @mrsilver8517
      @mrsilver8517 3 года назад +142

      Because there was nothing to get - they were just insulting her.

    • @mistersurrealist
      @mistersurrealist 3 года назад +31

      No, that's the face of utter disgust. She has far too much class for those dumb liberals.

    • @MG-ld9yr
      @MG-ld9yr 3 года назад +241

      @@mistersurrealist did she think a roast was meant to be classy or what?

    • @sumayyazahidd
      @sumayyazahidd 3 года назад +146

      to me it felt like she was trying to hold in her tears xD

    • @ky6180
      @ky6180 3 года назад +13

      @@mistersurrealist HAHAHAHH

  • @zohaadansari5756
    @zohaadansari5756 3 года назад +453

    Jimmy Carr said "Ann Coulter, here we go." You know she was going to be torched.

    • @msawyer110
      @msawyer110 3 года назад +3

      Of course. Because Hollyweird is against her. All she is for is for not killing babies. I guess that's unpopular

    • @maybedave0595
      @maybedave0595 3 года назад +22

      @@msawyer110 ah yes, killing babies that are literally still being created rather than letting the LIVING mother AND child die woohoo

    • @C3rdito
      @C3rdito 3 года назад +1

      @@maybedave0595 That made no sense to me. Whatcha talkin bout?

    • @markneillmusic9082
      @markneillmusic9082 3 года назад +3

      @@maybedave0595 I’m not pro life but you do realize the majority of abortions are not medical complications right. Like the overwhelming majority is due to reasons such as not being financially stable enough or not being ready for a kid.

    • @laurahall3094
      @laurahall3094 3 года назад

      @@markneillmusic9082 apparently the reasons are fairly complicated. Also a lot to do with the father being the wrong partner to be tied to for the rest of the child's life.
      And I'll bet lots of people don't fully know who they're with until something difficult like unintended pregnancy comes up.

  • @stlflyboy86
    @stlflyboy86 3 года назад +1378

    Martha Stewart won all of the punchlines. That line on Shaq’s mom was unbelievable

    • @dawndishsoap1954
      @dawndishsoap1954 3 года назад +1

      i didn’t get that one

    • @somethingcreativeprobably5160
      @somethingcreativeprobably5160 3 года назад +1

      @@dawndishsoap1954 same

    • @punpun5888
      @punpun5888 3 года назад +18

      When she said 'I stuck her' when she was in prision, that was for Shaq's mom

    • @Asiansxsymbol
      @Asiansxsymbol 3 года назад +1

      She meant when his mom had him, he was so big that he wrecked...

  • @Moskoe83
    @Moskoe83 2 года назад +59

    I can tell those baby and baby momma jokes cut deep on Ludacris 😂😂😂

  • @joshallen2852
    @joshallen2852 3 года назад +5006

    Anne is definitely the only one that wishes she never agreed to come on this show.

    • @creaturesanima
      @creaturesanima 3 года назад +186

      totally! she looks so freaking scared and sad!!! So sad!!! She's about cry!!!!!

    • @snaijamxoli1114
      @snaijamxoli1114 3 года назад +134

      @@creaturesanima donno bout that...she kinda looks like the nun

    • @FriendlyNeighborhoodFranco
      @FriendlyNeighborhoodFranco 3 года назад +60

      Pretty sure The Situation didn't have fun either.

    • @creaturesanima
      @creaturesanima 3 года назад +33

      Man!!! It was brutal!!!!

    • @creaturesanima
      @creaturesanima 3 года назад +41

      @@FriendlyNeighborhoodFranco lol!! I mean to put yourself through this just to be on tv and then spend the next 10 years with PTSD! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @LTamazil
    @LTamazil 3 года назад +3608

    The real funny part of this is everyone roasting Anne Coulter and it pans over to her just blankly smiling with the same expression EVERY. TIME.

    • @infernodreyt240
      @infernodreyt240 3 года назад +31

      Why was everyone targeting her, like ik they don’t like her but why? What did she do to deserve that 😭😭😭

    • @lordfuhquaad145
      @lordfuhquaad145 3 года назад +138

      @@infernodreyt240 she’s an awful person

    • @CaptanF0rever
      @CaptanF0rever 3 года назад +27

      I mean, you think she hasn't heard those same jokes countless times before? Anne plays up the evil neo con thing because it is her job and makes her money. Her books still make millions and her TV appearances always generate huge TV ratings. She is actually a nice person when she isn't playing up to her character. She is very gracious at appearances.

    • @kurtholus
      @kurtholus 3 года назад +22

      She has a lizard brain bro

    • @andyrichardson6188
      @andyrichardson6188 3 года назад +41

      @@infernodreyt240 Have you not heard the things she says?

  • @JV-dw5nu
    @JV-dw5nu 3 года назад +2161

    Respect to Martha for always joking about her criminal background hahahahaaha
    Love it !

    • @jadealaniz7341
      @jadealaniz7341 3 года назад +8

      What did she do ? :0

    • @JV-dw5nu
      @JV-dw5nu 3 года назад +21

      @@jadealaniz7341 if you don’t know.
      I don’t know what to tell you

    • @neckmostle
      @neckmostle 3 года назад +9

      @@jadealaniz7341 something about insider trading

    • @5375moli
      @5375moli 3 года назад +48

      She was investigated for insider trading, but ended up being convicted for giving false statements to the authorities (not the insider trading per se).

  • @r4v4g3r
    @r4v4g3r Год назад +1

    9:35 the way Nick Kroll commits so heavily to the Lisa Lampanelli joke sends my flying everytime 😂😂

  • @Blindclimbing
    @Blindclimbing 3 года назад +1757

    I love that they edited out Anne coulters portion, earned the like.

    • @centinel0228
      @centinel0228 3 года назад +7

      Who is she

    • @butterakins3353
      @butterakins3353 3 года назад +148

      @@poom641 or maybe it’s cause the video is called “Devastating Burns” and she did trash.

    • @broooimlikeoverit8288
      @broooimlikeoverit8288 3 года назад +53

      @@poom641 No they left it out because all she did was promote her book

    • @AntonXul
      @AntonXul 3 года назад +53

      You should see the actual roast. She didn’t make a single joke. Her set and The Situation’s set were 2 of the worst all time on these roasts. They aren’t worth rewatching, but you should to understand why they weren’t included.

    • @yehdssdgsdg7790
      @yehdssdgsdg7790 3 года назад +1

      And Chris D’elia

  • @darrensiegel6651
    @darrensiegel6651 3 года назад +2323

    "The only person you will ever make happy is the Mexican who digs your grave." Nikki is a savage. Love it.

    • @cristianviljevac3851
      @cristianviljevac3851 3 года назад +24

      That sentence alone is racist do

    • @farhad_v25
      @farhad_v25 3 года назад +95

      @@cristianviljevac3851 nice try. I know you’re reaching for something there but you’re never gonna get it

    • @citrusbitten8449
      @citrusbitten8449 3 года назад +89

      As a Mexican, that was probably my favorite joke ♡

    • @imissdinklebot9741
      @imissdinklebot9741 3 года назад +42

      @@cristianviljevac3851 as a mexican, i laughed so hard

    • @cristianviljevac3851
      @cristianviljevac3851 3 года назад +3

      @@imissdinklebot9741 I guess, The jokes are on you…

  • @ersatztheenfantterrible
    @ersatztheenfantterrible 3 года назад +982

    anne coulter's face when peyton manning said she won the kentucky derby was the most emotion she showed the whole video, I honestly believed that she was just an unsettling animatronic prop they got to fill seats

    • @Reesicup
      @Reesicup 3 года назад +13

      I know Im probably going to feel dumb for this but. . . I didn't get the Kentucky Derby joke. But then again, all I know about her doesn't even make a complete sentence.

    • @cori742
      @cori742 3 года назад +41

      @@Reesicup he was calling her a horse face lol -- it's not a super common insult these days

    • @dragonfruitreal
      @dragonfruitreal 3 года назад +12

      @@Reesicup the Kentucky Derby is a horse race he's calling her a horse

    • @ryanp8987
      @ryanp8987 3 года назад +2

      Her face is the same during that entire roast what you mean lol

    • @ersatztheenfantterrible
      @ersatztheenfantterrible 3 года назад

      @@ryanp8987 exactly lmafooooo

  • @forrestthroughdatrees
    @forrestthroughdatrees 2 года назад +33

    Andy Samberg calling Jeff Ross a melting hippo in his nice roast was one of the funniest moments ever.

  • @AnthonyBowman
    @AnthonyBowman 3 года назад +849

    Jimmy Carr's "Ann we go..." just slays.

    • @bparker86
      @bparker86 3 года назад +7

      Lol I literally read that comment while he was saying it haha

    • @jamesprice2163
      @jamesprice2163 3 года назад +5

      You know it's gonna be harsh when it's just that blunt

    • @TStormj90
      @TStormj90 3 года назад

      @@bparker86 same! Lol

  • @exdrake
    @exdrake 3 года назад +920

    I strongly believe that Rob Lowe's roast was actually Ann Coulter's

    • @theegigisupreme
      @theegigisupreme 3 года назад +8

      I think the same thing!

    • @emanymton5789
      @emanymton5789 3 года назад +1

      Too bad nobody's ever been burning crosses in her back yard

  • @MyKeyOFCL
    @MyKeyOFCL 3 года назад +9426

    I love how Ann's smile slowly turns from forced, even more forced, fake, just not even trying

      @CHEEKY_MONKEY 3 года назад +497

      She was shaking

    • @RealGodfromheaven
      @RealGodfromheaven 3 года назад +365


    • @Asiansxsymbol
      @Asiansxsymbol 3 года назад +547

      She was crying inside. 😭 At first I felt bad for her but then remembered who she was.

    • @TranzparentMethods
      @TranzparentMethods 3 года назад +58

      @@Asiansxsymbol That was a GREAT roast!!! That made me laugh out loud!

    • @gking407
      @gking407 3 года назад +105

      You can’t hurt the dead 💀 lol

  • @pinetreehitta7042
    @pinetreehitta7042 2 года назад +21

    “And look at you now snoop” 😂😂😂 Justin killed him with that

  • @a.walters123
    @a.walters123 3 года назад +1932

    What makes Pete so talented is his confidence and charisma. He was able to pull that joke off whereas someone else joking about their father’s death probably wouldn’t be able to.

    • @DrizzFizzlebeatz
      @DrizzFizzlebeatz 3 года назад +41

      Idk Jimmy carrs joke of his dad took me out.

    • @flarican64
      @flarican64 3 года назад

      That's the feeling I had... I even felt a little tiny sorry for her...for a minute.

    • @imnotdavidxnsx
      @imnotdavidxnsx 3 года назад +4

      He's literally neither confident, nor charismatic. In fact part of his schtick is his lack of confidence and composure, when he constantly loses it during scenes in SNL.

    • @iMerlin..
      @iMerlin.. 2 года назад +1

      Joking bout your own suffering is a form of helps me in my bad times

    • @Huyle18
      @Huyle18 2 года назад

      @@imnotdavidxnsx so how does he keep bagging attractive rich women, not counting kim. But ariana and kate Beckinsale are insanely beautiful. Also his career is getting bigger each year.

  • @syloboy163
    @syloboy163 3 года назад +1479

    Ann coulter looks like she's constantly trying to hold back her hatred of all those roasts.

    • @severine2257
      @severine2257 3 года назад +73

      You should see the interview she did after. She was convinced she was funny and everyone else was just mean. Just an awful person lol

    • @Emiliano-hd6yj
      @Emiliano-hd6yj 3 года назад +18

      karen vibes fr

    • @ajsmodernandretrogames8523
      @ajsmodernandretrogames8523 3 года назад +33

      @ comedians take pretty special exception when someone they don't feel deserving to be up with them is there. Ann is a pretty garbage human being, and the only reason she was up there was to be ripped into. No one wanted her up there.

    • @alrightalrightalright-
      @alrightalrightalright- 3 года назад +10

      @@severine2257 how is she awful , just because a bunch of hollywood leftist called her racist u just automatically believe them. They attacked her because she a Conservative , being conservative doesn't mean ur racist.

    • @silveriuseffendi6311
      @silveriuseffendi6311 3 года назад +1

      I don't get Peyton's joke about derby horse race towards Ann, what's funny about it?

  • @jaymcmillan1697
    @jaymcmillan1697 3 года назад +470

    My favourite thing about this is the fact Kevin looks like he’s gonna cry from laughing throughout the entire thing

  • @thatdude1528
    @thatdude1528 2 года назад +15

    “Next to Martha Stewart and that Hannibal guy” great line by JB

  • @justincremeans2244
    @justincremeans2244 3 года назад +5086

    Ann coulter's soul leaving her body as she realizes everyone genuinely hates her is my favorite thing.

    • @tchrr
      @tchrr 3 года назад +37

      whay is she problematic? I don’t know her

    • @ArchKnight28
      @ArchKnight28 3 года назад +138

      @@tchrr She is a conservative media pundit.

    • @aralsea1
      @aralsea1 3 года назад +32

      @@ArchKnight28 And?

    • @ArchKnight28
      @ArchKnight28 3 года назад +28

      @@aralsea1 That is why many celebrities on stage dislike her. She has disliked many celebrities in the past for their liberal views. She has been in many controversies as well, just look her up.
      If you agree with her, whatever that's your prerogative, but she is gonna be disliked for her politics, as is any politician, or political media pundit.

    • @Cynsham
      @Cynsham 3 года назад +38

      @@tchrr She's just a fox news political puppet who spreads propaganda. She can deal it out but she can't take it herself

  • @EmilyMeola
    @EmilyMeola 3 года назад +1097

    I love how no one had anything bad to say about Bill Hader and he's just chilling on the side laughing

    • @Markleadguitar
      @Markleadguitar 3 года назад +49

      I would have went in on how one of his eyes isn't lazy, it's unemployed

    • @saar144
      @saar144 3 года назад +7

      You need to rewatch the roast, he was made fun of by everyone

    • @ChillBrotato
      @ChillBrotato 3 года назад +4

      @@saar144 Some peeps didn't watch the entire show apparently

    • @oscar007999
      @oscar007999 3 года назад +2

      This compilation cuts out quite a bit. They all went in on Bill

    • @dawnemerson3604
      @dawnemerson3604 3 года назад

      Love him

  • @joenoah9906
    @joenoah9906 3 года назад +3202

    Ann Coulter thought she finally got invited to the cool people party only to find out she was the entertainment.

    • @centinel0228
      @centinel0228 3 года назад +6

      Who is she

    • @Wafaloo
      @Wafaloo 3 года назад +47

      @@centinel0228 conservative commentator and author

    • @rylan2610
      @rylan2610 3 года назад +31

      @@Wafaloo but like why does being republican make her so bad im lost whatd she do

    • @kg-xq8kx
      @kg-xq8kx 3 года назад +88

      @@rylan2610 she went to a roast with actors who are mainly left leaning. She definitely had this coming

    • @rylan2610
      @rylan2610 3 года назад +9

      @@kg-xq8kx but like how does that make her racist

  • @lionelyoung3437
    @lionelyoung3437 2 года назад +82

    “The only person you will ever make happy is the Mexican who digs your grave.” 😂😂😂

  • @32MattyB
    @32MattyB 3 года назад +371

    Hannibal joke towards Pete Davidson is pure gold. "When I talk to you I dont have fun." 😂😂😂😂

  • @lilliaull5720
    @lilliaull5720 3 года назад +646

    "I know you wanted to follow in your dads footsteps but he snuck out of the house so carefully he didn't leave any tracks" is the most underrated joke in the history of this show it actually made my jaw drop

  • @a55eat3r8
    @a55eat3r8 3 года назад +305

    29:20 Ann Coulter: “They’re not laughing”.
    The Crowd: *Literally laughing and applauding*

    • @alekai0574
      @alekai0574 3 года назад +1

      i dont get the kentucky derby joke

    • @p1nk_love107
      @p1nk_love107 3 года назад

      @@alekai0574 you’re not the only one ✋

    • @arturovidal5306
      @arturovidal5306 3 года назад +5

      @@alekai0574 she was a horse in race!

    • @thechivalrouszechreeder
      @thechivalrouszechreeder 3 года назад +8

      @@alekai0574 The kentucky derby is a horse race in Kentucky

    • @ashleymufasa
      @ashleymufasa 3 года назад

      He meant she looks like a horse

  • @briandstephmoore4910
    @briandstephmoore4910 2 года назад +51

    That last coulter joke by glaser was Gas💀😂

  • @shidollasign5620
    @shidollasign5620 3 года назад +1591

    Ann Coulter’s face the entire roast had me losing my mind laughing. She was trying so hard to look happy to be there

    • @jemandjemand2362
      @jemandjemand2362 3 года назад +26

      her death glare was very.... mixed

    • @memegazer
      @memegazer 3 года назад +38 can tell she is not used to being roasted and was taking it personally

    • @Sacred_Silence
      @Sacred_Silence 3 года назад +25

      She was literally shaking lol

    • @ohmybread1546
      @ohmybread1546 2 года назад +5

      @@jeffb9991 the whole point was a roast ?💀💀

    • @Demigodking
      @Demigodking 2 года назад +1

      @Misspacino if you support An take Jimmy’s advice

  • @kiaraflorentino
    @kiaraflorentino 3 года назад +529

    “soul plane was the worst experience of my life involving a plane” NAHHH LMFAOAOAOOAOAO

    • @Itsanewhandle
      @Itsanewhandle 3 года назад +4

      that went over so many peoples heads

  • @jelanitarik7423
    @jelanitarik7423 3 года назад +1876

    This is not the roast of Pete Davidson's father.....that was in 2001.

    • @Aka_amir_i
      @Aka_amir_i 3 года назад +6


    • @dennmcambley3813
      @dennmcambley3813 3 года назад +26

      shortly followed on the 12th by the 'spit roast' of his newly widowed mother.

    • @ebayseller6040
      @ebayseller6040 3 года назад +12

      extra dark 0_0

    • @ARH8585
      @ARH8585 3 года назад +4

      @@dennmcambley3813 🔥

    • @stevenwalker9013
      @stevenwalker9013 3 года назад +24

      Yeah that crossed the line in my opinion.

  • @EastonD4
    @EastonD4 2 года назад +50

    They weren’t even roasting Ann Colter they were just speaking the truth

  • @jonathanwhite6881
    @jonathanwhite6881 3 года назад +258

    Jewel killed that set. Beautifully done.

    • @severine2257
      @severine2257 3 года назад +7

      She’s aged like fine wine 👌🏽

    • @Elias-xh8xm
      @Elias-xh8xm 3 года назад +2

      Shes very gorgeous

    • @MrTanuki11
      @MrTanuki11 3 года назад +1

      Trailer Swift killed it

  • @emilyallshouse916
    @emilyallshouse916 3 года назад +739

    Jewel had the best Ann Coulter zing…. As a feminist I can’t support some of the things being said here, but as someone who hates Ann Coulter I’m delighted.

  • @sheltertwo7957
    @sheltertwo7957 3 года назад +601

    I love how Robert DiNiro just has to sit there & look like a cute old grampy.

  • @COVID--kf3tx
    @COVID--kf3tx 2 года назад +22

    "Anne has written 11 books, 12 if you count Mein Kampf"
    had me dying

  • @rylanheers5355
    @rylanheers5355 3 года назад +174

    I love how you can just distinctly hear seth roagns laugh in the background

  • @bleepbloop838
    @bleepbloop838 3 года назад +246

    While everyone was roasting and tearing each ither down, Andy was just being himself. He roasted himself and was giving everyone compliments. 13:56 He is so sweet I wanna cry my eyes out. ~ily Andy 🤍

    • @maxkipperman2229
      @maxkipperman2229 3 года назад +33

      nah, he was actually roasting the whole concept of the roast...going through the generic ways each comedian gets roasted the same way every time. basically making fun of how lame and generic the whole thing is

    • @Lion022
      @Lion022 3 года назад +8

      He was putting himself down so his actual insult to Jeff would pop out more and get a huge reaction which it did

  • @ravenandalessomoza755
    @ravenandalessomoza755 3 года назад +1045

    it wasnt Lowes roast, it was for Anne

    • @mjpraetorian4386
      @mjpraetorian4386 3 года назад +3

      Still confused what she did?

    • @C3rdito
      @C3rdito 3 года назад

      @@mjpraetorian4386 Enlighten us.

    • @havok9807
      @havok9807 3 года назад +30

      @@C3rdito she’s just a racist so everybody went off on her. jim ross said in a interview that when they heard she was gunna be there they all wrote their jokes at her

    • @thatcreepyolddudewholikest2643
      @thatcreepyolddudewholikest2643 3 года назад +26

      @@mjpraetorian4386 she's a massive rasist, she looks like she's trying way to hard to get a role as a walker In the walking dead, she is also incredibly boring and not funny all and can not take a joke, like most people there were not even sure why she was there and when it was her turn to roast every one all she did was talk about her new book and that's not a joke she literally just went on about her book for the whole time she was up there

    • @mjpraetorian4386
      @mjpraetorian4386 3 года назад

      @@thatcreepyolddudewholikest2643 Yeeeeeeeesh ok fair enough

  • @Haduj56
    @Haduj56 2 года назад +5

    Why are comedians like this😂😂😂😂this is the best video on the internet 🤣🤣🤣

  • @director3151
    @director3151 2 года назад +119

    The way Justins eyes brightened up when Martha said call me has me in TEARSS🤣🤣🤣 5:05

  • @asithandilematshaya9817
    @asithandilematshaya9817 3 года назад +3164

    Anne Coulter’s face the entire roast:💀

    • @isaacsimmons9821
      @isaacsimmons9821 3 года назад +75

      That's just what she looks like

    • @tullydesign
      @tullydesign 3 года назад +21

      She is awesome though.

    • @shaniegoodwin9947
      @shaniegoodwin9947 3 года назад +8


    • @pewpew295
      @pewpew295 3 года назад +23

      Only in a liberal wasteland can you bash a woman but also say you can't bash women

    • @msawyer110
      @msawyer110 3 года назад +26

      Ya imagine being a woman standing up for America and having Hollyweird against you. She did very well

  • @j2005a
    @j2005a 3 года назад +222

    Pete saying "Please don't eat me" is the most underrated funniest line.

  • @lucscott3631
    @lucscott3631 2 года назад +23

    I love how the roasters are laughing more at Andy Samberg than the crowd

  • @sohamchatterjee4148
    @sohamchatterjee4148 3 года назад +362

    Robert De Niro is just so pure and honest with his "What the f**k am I doing here"

  • @TheRealCptObvious1
    @TheRealCptObvious1 3 года назад +823

    The roast of Rob Lowe was probably a mistake. But putting on a whole event for an excuse to roast Anne for hours is pretty genius.

    • @lindamon5101
      @lindamon5101 3 года назад +2


    • @firebolt3976
      @firebolt3976 3 года назад +4

      Are u kidding ? That was the best one. So savage 😁😂

  • @foxgloveXmusic
    @foxgloveXmusic 3 года назад +1045

    they didnt even show ann coulter’s speech making this more bareable

    • @360.Tapestry
      @360.Tapestry 3 года назад +145

      instead of telling the jokes the writers prepared for her, she just pushed her book and i don't think any of the guests took too kindly to that

    • @thatcreepyolddudewholikest2643
      @thatcreepyolddudewholikest2643 3 года назад +27

      That's because she didn't even do any roasts/jokes she literally just went on about her new book the whole time

    • @Michaelmyersbae
      @Michaelmyersbae 3 года назад

      Yeah but they unfortunately showed Kaitlin Jenner's

  • @katlynwhitney6160
    @katlynwhitney6160 2 года назад +136

    I have a feeling Ann is taking these roasts a lil to seriously. But they do seem more harsh then others. She also hadn't laughed once

    • @gamingaura4204
      @gamingaura4204 2 года назад +25

      It’s because it obviously wasn’t a joke.

    • @XjaXemX
      @XjaXemX 2 года назад +10

      This is why I could never go to one of these things. I'd be crying in the corner after it 😂

    • @dtthrower
      @dtthrower 2 года назад

      i mean she is literally a white supremacist so who minds

    • @smokeylovesfire1589
      @smokeylovesfire1589 2 года назад +2

      Because she is a conservative.

    • @sl8103
      @sl8103 Год назад

      Yeah the ones aimed at her didn’t seem like jokes but considering she said the families of 9/11 victims shouldn’t mourn I don’t rly care